Café con Sal conference cycle

On the 19th February 2019, Antonio Villanueva, Coordinator of the EBB project, presented at the “Café con Sal” conference cycle, the implications for marine biological researchers of novel regulations regulating access to genetic resources, with the lecture “ABS: are you talking about my car brakes?“. With this conference, Antonio Villanueva, coordinator of EBB project, aimed to raise awareness among research staff about this legal requirement, giving to the assistants some basic information and some tips to reduce as far as possible the impact of these new regulations on their activity.

The conference took place at the conference room of the ECIMAT at 11:00h (CET) and was live streamed on and will be permanently available on CIM ( and UVigoTV websites:

Presentation of Antonio Villanueva by Alba Hernández, CIM-UVigo

Conference by Antonio Villanueva, CIM-UVigo

Questions time by Antonio Villanueva, CIM-UVigo

The presentation can be downloaded following the link

IBioIC’s Annual Conference 2019 | Industrial Biotechnology for a Sustainable Future

On the 30th and 31st January IBioIC is hosting its Annual Conference “Industrial Biotechnology for a Sustainable Future, a leading national IB event bringing together over 450 delegates from academia and industry covering all biotechnology sectors. The conference celebrates the success of the biotechnology industry in Scotland and provides delegates with the networking opportunities needed to drive new collaborations. This year’s conference will include a dedicated Blue Biotechnology stream.

IBioIC’s Annual Conference 2019 will take place in the Technology Innovation Centre, Glasgow.


Registration is now open!

Weekly FBA (Nord University) Lunch Seminar

On the 7th of January 2019, Dr. Elsa Cabrita gave a talk in the weekly FBA Lunch seminar of the Nord University, in Bodo (Norway). This seminar, entitled “Breeding management for aquaculture and conservation”,  showed different methodologies applied in cryopreservation of germ cells from several fish and bivalve species, promoting and disseminating the EBB project.

Fórum Oceano promoted EBB project during the Business2Sea event

The 8th edition of Business2Sea – Sea Forum was organised by Fórum Oceano, the Portuguese Maritime Cluster, in collaboration with CETMAR Foundation, from 14th to 16th of November 2018. The event took place in Oporto, under the main topic “2030 Sea Challenges”, gathering around 600 stakeholders from 10 European and non-European countries.

Business2Sea is an international event dedicated to the development of projects and business, in the different sectors of the Economy of the Sea. The initiative comprised a series of thematic workshops and conferences, pitching sessions, B2B meetings and an exhibition area.

In its own stand, Fórum Oceano promoted the ongoing projects in which it is involved, namely the EBB project, giving some key information on EBB’s aims and objectives.

Seminar | From ocean to lab: Marine genetic resources and their application in the production of novel bioactive molecules

It is well known that oceans are home to an enormous biological diversity and represent a reservoir, barely explored, of a multitude of bioactive molecules with potential applicability in different fields such as human health. The path from collecting marine organisms, detecting molecules with biological activity, all the way until these reach the market as a pharmacological product, is extremely complex.

In this context, the Centro Tecnológico del Mar (CETMAR) organised on November 9, 2018, under the project BlueHuman, a seminar entitled “From the ocean to the laboratory: Marine genetic resources and their application in the development of new bioactive molecules”.

The purpose of this seminar was to know in depth aspects related to this complicated process, including the legal aspects surrounding the use of genetic resources for commercial purposes. The seminar involved multiple stakeholders from the scientific community, industry, civil society and policymakers.

The researchers Antonio Villanueva, Belén Sánchez and Laura Movilla from the University of Vigo represented the EBB team at the seminar.

Business2Sea – Sea Forum 2018

The Business2Sea – Sea Forum of 2018 will take place from November 14 to 16 at the Alfandega Porto Congress Centre, Porto. The 8th edition of the event will be dedicated to the main theme ‘2030 Sea Challenges‘ and it is organised by Fórum Oceano in collaboration with Fundação CETMAR, Centro Tecnológico do Mar, located in Galiza.

The event will encompass a diversified programme that includes:

– A Conference commemorating the National Day of the Sea in Portugal, with the participation of international experts and representatives of European and national public authorities;

– A set of seminars and thematic workshops to be held in parallel, focusing on topics such as Nautical Tourism, Marine Resources, Marine Technologies, Employment and Training, Marine Industries, Marine Energies, Ports and Maritime Transport, Sustainability of the Marine Ecosystems, Cross-border and Atlantic Cooperation and Oceans Literacy.

– A programme of International Business Meetings (B2B);

– A programme of Pitches – “Curtas de Mar” dedicated to short presentation of projects and initiatives in the area of the economy of the Sea;

– A showcase of marine products and technologies;

– Moments for networking and for tasting of products of the Sea.

More information and provisional programme at

5th Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference

The annual Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference is the central hub for stakeholders of the Atlantic Strategy to meet, seek ways of cooperation, share information and identify funding and financial opportunities and partnerships for their projects and business. It offers a great transnational publicity opportunity to deliver the Atlantic Action Plan key messages and further promote awareness of its achievements.

The 5th edition of the conference was held in Vigo, Spain, on October 23-24, 2018. The conference focus was on actions to boost youth employment in the maritime domain and it gathered political leaders, maritime clusters, enterprises, academic institutions, funding donors and investors from all across the Atlantic seaboard. More specifically, this year’s conference focused on how to pursue a career in the maritime sector, how to obtain the necessary skills and embrace innovation without negatively affecting employment in the Atlantic area, while at the same time emphasising present opportunities for project development relevant to the Atlantic strategy and to the objectives of the Atlantic Action Plan.

During the conference, the Atlantic Project Awards winners were announced. The EBB project was the winner in the “Atlantic Marine and Coastal Environment” Category. These Awards are designed to honour outstanding success stories, achieved by projects in the geographical area covered by the Atlantic Strategy that showcase relevance to the implementation of the Atlantic Action Plan. They promote individual winners but at the same time highlight the incorporation and scaling up of best practices at regional, national, European and international level.

Agenda of the event.

EBB participation in the Sea Tech Week 2018

The Sea Tech Week is an international event dedicated to marine sciences and technology, happening every two years in Brest. This year, Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique and EMBRC-Fr have come together to work on the organisation of a session dedicated to the access to marine biological resources so-called “Bioresources: unlocking and accessing the potential of the marine environment”, on Tuesday October 9th 2018.

Marine bioresources are at the heart of economic activities in the maritime regions, providing the food we eat, the air we breathe, and to an increasing extent new products and a new frontier to explore in terms of biotechnological advances. Brittany and the surrounding regions have a wealth of expertise and projects valorising biological resources from the sea and continue to drive and innovate the biotech sector. This one-day session gave a flavour of what Brittany has to offer of activities related to marine bioresources in public-private partnerships, industrial R&D, and fundamental research, and how to access the marine ecosystems, its biological resources and related expertise through the international network of research infrastructures present in Brittany

After a welcome speech by Justine Pittera (PMBA) and Nicolas Pade, the session was organized around four major themes:

– Mapping of innovation based on marine biological resources in Brittany and Pays de Loire: emphasis on the main actors (academic and private), trends in the marine bioresources used, etc.
– Biodiversity observation and trends in biotechnology
– Research infrastructures : advanced tools to support fundamental and applied research in marine biology
– How can RI have a role to play in the synergies between fundamental and applied research in order to reinforce the relationship and foster innovation ? This discussion took place under a round table format.

During the third slot dedicated to RIs, Nicolas Pade presented EMBRC-ERIC with a special emphasis on the activity of EMBRC-Fr. UVigo has also participated in this session, with Cristina Secades as speaker, presenting the EBB project: “EMBRC Blue Biobank project: how to facilitate access to marine biological resources“; describing the scope and objectives of the project, presenting the expected outcomes for academic and private researchers.

BLUEandGREEN International Legacy Conference

CIIMAR is organising the international conference BLUEandGREEN Legacy – Adding value to Marine Bioresources, with the participation of key international speakers in the field of Marine Biotechnology, Bioeconomics and Circular Economy. Intending to understand the national landscape of blue biotechnology, BLUEandGREEN Conference will be an important step in the construction of the National Roadmap for Marine Biotechnology.

We would be honored by your presence on October 1st 2018, at CIIMAR headquarters (Porto Cruise Terminal).

Being BUEandGREEN Conference organised back to back with BioMarine, you can have a discount in the BioMarine registration. We will also have a bus that departs from CIIMAR, on the morning of the 2nd of October to BioMarine.

Conference website:


Sea Tech Week

One-day session “Bioresources: unlocking and accessing the potential of the marine environment”. Organized by PMBA and EMBRC-France. Summary: Marine bioresources are at the heart of economic activities in the maritime regions, providing the food we eat, the air we breathe, and to an increasing extent new products and a new frontier to explore in terms of biotechnological advances. Brittany and the surrounding regions have a wealth of expertise and projects valorising biological resources from the sea and continue to drive and innovate the biotech sector. This session gave a flavour of what Brittany has to offer of activities related to marine bioresources in public-private partnerships, industrial R&D, and fundamental research, and how to access the marine ecosystems, its biological resources and related expertise through the international network of research infrastructures present in Brittany. UVigo participated in the session, with Cristina Secades as speaker presenting the EBB project. Title: EMBRC Blue Biobank project: how to facilitate access to marine biological resources. Abstract: Accessing bioresources has become highly regulated and now requires very specific permits and steps to obtain them and to ensure that any benefits derived from them are shared with the country of origin. The EEB project is working to ensure that EMBRC can supply bioresources in line with current legislation, and develop best practices and guidelines for the public and private sectors.