Workshop “Procedimientos de cultivo de berberecho”, COCKLES project

On the 23rd September 2019, Fiz da Costa was invited to the workshop “Procedimientos de cultivo de berberecho”, organized by the University of Aveiro (Portugal) in the frame of the COCKLES project financed by Interreg Atlantic Area programme. He was invited in his capacity of Project Manager of EBB project, and he gave the talk “Acceso y utilización de recursos genéticos marinos: nuevas regulaciones y cómo aplicarlas”.

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SPACE – Aquaculture Feed Forum

The SPACE – Aquaculture Feed Forum is a key event for French and international aquaculture businesses.  In France are located a wide variety of fish farms, as well as many companies offering solutions for aquaculture. This event included speeches by several international experts in the aquaculture sector. Pôle de Mer distributed flyers and explained the main goals of the EBB project to the participants to increase the visibility of the project among different stakeholders in the fishing and aquaculture sector.

7th International Workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes

On the 2nd of September 2019, UAlg team (Drs. Elsa Cabrita, Catarina Oliveira, Elvira Fatsini and Ms. Catarina Anjos) attended the workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes in Rennes (France), organized by INRA. In this workshop Ms Catarina Anjos presented a poster on EBB implementation cryopreservation protocols in Portuguese oysters. The title of the poster was “The response of Crassostrea angulate (Portuguese oyster) larvae to cryoprotectants exposure and cryopreservation”. The objective of this biennal workshop was to bring together researchers and students from the scientific community working on the gamete biology of fish and aquatic species. The meeting took place in the prestigious school of agricultural engineers AGROCAMPUS OUEST. It was organized by INRA’s Fish Physiology and Genomics Department.