Utilization of marine genetic resources from jurisdictional waters requires providing proof that sampling and utilization of such resources has been done in accordance with National ABS regulations in place. EEB project has implemented a series of use cases (Report on the use cases) to learn the possible constraints and problems that may arise during the process of obtaining the necessary documentation and present easy to follow solutions. The lessons learned were applied to improve the EBB best practice guidelines on ABS (The EMBRC guide to ABS compliance. Recommendations to marine biological resources collections’ and users’ institutions) produced for institutions providing access to marine genetic resources both ex-situ and in-situ and to produce the Step by Step guide towards ABS compliance for users (Seek, keep & transfer: A step-by-step guide to ABS compliance when utilizing marine genetic resources).
Report on the use cases
EBB project engaged with end-users of marine biological resources to learn about the practical implications of complying with Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) regulations in the countries of origin and the major hurdles they need to face during the process. Sixteen case studies for non-commercial utilisation of genetic resources are presented in this document, selected amongst the more than 30 that EBB followed and supported. These cases illustrate a number of difficulties and grey areas regarding the applicability or not of the Nagoya Protocol within different research contexts and applications. In doing so EBB has proposed and encountered ways to solve such problems. The lessons learnt were applied to improve the EBB best practice guidelines on ABS produced for the provision of ex-situ and in-situ genetic resources within Atlantic area EMBRC collections and biobanks (The EMBRC guide to ABS compliance. Recommendations to marine biological resources collections’ and users’ institutions) and to produce its associated Step by Step guide towards ABS compliance (Seek, keep & transfer: A step-by-step guide to ABS compliance when utilizing marine genetic resources).