EBB Final Meeting in Porto, Portugal
On July 4th and 5th, 2023, the members of the Interreg European Marine Biological Resource Centre Biobank (EBB) gathered in Porto, Portugal, to mark the conclusion of the project. Participants from several countries involved in the project, including Spain, Portugal, France, and Norway, came together for the Final Meeting to discuss topics such as ABS…
EBB Workshop in Gran Canaria, Spain
On May 16th and 17th, 2023, the EBB project held a workshop at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). The workshop covered the topics, such as harmonisation of data management and administrative procedures, technical discussions on Material Transfer Agreements (MTA), strains deposits in culture collections and quality management systems for culture collections.…
EBB Workshop and Final Meeting
EBB is organising an event on 4th and 5th July 2023, in Porto to inform on the last advances in the implementation of its outputs. It is possible to register for both days or only for the second day. The first day sessions are closed to EMBRC and MIRRI members and the second day is…
Workshop on reproductive biotechnology and cryobanking in aquatic species
On April 2021, from 7th to 9th, the UAlg team organized a workshop entitled “Workshop on reproductive biotechnology and cryobanking in aquatic species”. It was hold in Faro, Portugal, where several ponents from diverse institutions gave very interesting lectures about reproductive and cryopreservation techniques via zoom platform. Dr. Elsa Cabrita and her team were in…
EBB project presented in their final event its main outcomes for the integrated management of European marine biobanks
After more than three years of work, the project celebrated, this last Tuesday, March 23, its closing event: the “Symposium on Biobanking and Marine Diversity”. The event gathered around 100 people from all over the world interested in EBB results and main outcomes. The Director of the Marine Research Center (CIM) of the University of…
Workshop: “How to Do Nagoya: access to marine genetic resources in compliance with ABS regulations”
Last Friday, January 29, as part of the agenda of Assemble Plus 2021 Conference, members of the EBB project, together with the ABS Working group of EMBRC, organized and held an online event where the main outputs and results of the EBB project were launched. The EMBRC Executive Director, Nicolas Pade, introduced the workshop and…
Research & Biopiracy: An Intro to Nagoya Protocol & European Access & Benefit Sharing Regulations
On the 12th of November 2020, our colleague and EBB partner Heidi Tillin, from the Marine Biological Association (MBA), gave a virtual talk on the “Coffee Time Talk” seminar series organized by MBA about the Nagoya Protocol entitled: “Research & Biopiracy: An Intro to Nagoya Protocol & European Access & Benefit Sharing Regulations”. She briefly…
Business2Sea 2020
The 10th edition of Business2Sea organized by CETMAR Foundation and Fórum Oceano was held from the 16th to 20th of November 2020 in virtual format. The European Blue Biobank (EBB) project contributed to this event with an awareness workshop entitled “Do not be a biopirate: the European Blue biobank can help you use marine genetic…
4th EBB General Assembly
EBB partnership met virtually during three days, on 8th, 27th and 28th October, to take stock of the progress made in the last year and plan the next and final actions before the project finishes on 15th April. They were intense sessions, where reporting on work packages was followed by short presentations by the partners.…
Virtual Training on Quality Management Systems for culture collections and biobanks
A virtual Quality Management Systems (QMS) training workshop for culture collections and biobanks from EBB partnership took place last week in the framework of WP4 (“Development of common methodologies for the management of Marine Biobanks”). The training had 6 participants from three EBB partners (CIIMAR, NUIG and UPV/EHU) involved in managing collections in their respective…
Workshop: “Utilización de recursos genéticos y Protocolo de Nagoya: marco legal y casos prácticos de aplicación en el ámbito marino”
The Marine Research Centre (CIM) of the University of Vigo, coordinator of the “European Blue Biobank” (EBB) project, together with the CETMAR Foundation, and especially with the Interreg Atlantic Area project entitled COCKLES organized a technical workshop to raise awareness of the existing obligations to access and use genetic resources derived from the Nagoya Protocol…
3rd General Assembly of EBB-project
The Plentzia Marine Station in the University of the Basque Country (PiE-UPV/EHU) hosted the 3rd general assembly of the EBB project with a first day meeting on the Plentzia Marine Station in Plentzia and a second day in the “Bizkaia Aretoa” of the University of the Basque Country in Bilbao. The advances within each work…
Workshop: “Fostering development of micro-algal-based industries: legal and practical aspects”
Belén Martín Míguez, coordinator of EBB project, together with Maria José Chapela, coordinator of Enhance Microalgae project (both Interreg Atlantic Area), organised the workshop “Fostering development of micro-algalbased industries: legal and practical aspects” which was part of the event Business2Sea that gathers annually stakeholders from the marine realm. The workshop firsrconsidered legal frameworks that can hinder exploitation of micro-algae. In particular, Fiz…

Workshop | Marine Genetic Resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction: bridging policy, law, science and research and development
Nicolas Pade (executive director of EMBRC) gave a presentation entitled “Knee deep in the ocean – accessing marine biodiversity” on the BNJ workshop on MGRs organised in May 2019, by the EC (DG MARE) in Brussels (Belgium). Programme

Café con Sal conference cycle
On the 19th February 2019, Antonio Villanueva, Coordinator of the EBB project, presented at the “Café con Sal” conference cycle, the implications for marine biological researchers of novel regulations regulating access to genetic resources, with the lecture “ABS: are you talking about my car brakes?“. With this conference, Antonio Villanueva, coordinator of EBB project, aimed…
Sea Tech Week
One-day session “Bioresources: unlocking and accessing the potential of the marine environment”. Organized by PMBA and EMBRC-France. Summary: Marine bioresources are at the heart of economic activities in the maritime regions, providing the food we eat, the air we breathe, and to an increasing extent new products and a new frontier to explore in terms…

Workshop – Best practice guidelines for ABS
Colin Brownlee explaining the objectives of the workshop Implementing best practice guidelines for Access and Benefit Sharing 17 May 2018, Plouzané, France by Heidi Tillin The aims of this second one day workshop, that followed the previous more commercially focussed workshop, were to ensure all EBB project partners were familiar with Best Practice Guidelines and…

Workshop Brest – MGRs for commercial R&D | ABS legal framework
Audience during the discussion session with the CNAs Practical steps for facilitating the use of marine biological resources for commercial R&D in the context of the new Access and Benefit Sharing legal framework (Nagoya protocol) 16 May 2018, Plouzané, France by Ibon Cancio The workshop was organized in the context of the Interreg Atlantic Area…

Kick-off meeting: launching of the EBB project
Kick-off meeting: launching of the EBB project The kick-off meeting (KOM) of the EBB project was held at Vigo’s Port Authority premises, in Vigo (Spain), on 21st and 22nd of November 2017. The meeting participants included representatives from the University of Vigo (Spain), the University of the Basque Country (Spain), the Interdisciplinary Center for Marine…
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