Workshop: “Fostering development of micro-algal-based industries: legal and practical aspects”

Belén Martín Míguez, coordinator of EBB project, together with Maria José Chapela, coordinator of Enhance Microalgae project (both Interreg Atlantic Area), organised the workshop “Fostering development of micro-algalbased industries: legal and practical aspects” which was part of the event Business2Sea that gathers annually stakeholders from the marine realm. The workshop firsrconsidered legal frameworks that can hinder exploitation of micro-algae. In particular, Fiz da Costa, from EBB project offered a talk on Nagoya protocol implementation. In the second part, two representatives from Neoalgae and A4f companies presented their activities and perspectives on those legal frameworks and how they impact their businesses. The audience (which included some other members of EBB project such as Vitor Vasconcelos and Guilherme Scotta from CIIMAR) participated in the debate.

EBB in Business2Sea 2019

The European Blue Biobank project (by EMBRC -ERIC,, together with the coordinators of the EnhanceMicroAlgae project (, will participate in the upcoming forum Business2Sea2019 (Porto, Portugal, 11-13 November) offering the workshop: Fostering development of microalgal-based industries: legal and practical aspects. The workshop will take place on November 12th at 11:30 am. Register your attendance at: (open until 5 November 2019).

Workshop “Procedimientos de cultivo de berberecho”, COCKLES project

On the 23rd September 2019, Fiz da Costa was invited to the workshop “Procedimientos de cultivo de berberecho”, organized by the University of Aveiro (Portugal) in the frame of the COCKLES project financed by Interreg Atlantic Area programme. He was invited in his capacity of Project Manager of EBB project, and he gave the talk “Acceso y utilización de recursos genéticos marinos: nuevas regulaciones y cómo aplicarlas”.

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SPACE – Aquaculture Feed Forum

The SPACE – Aquaculture Feed Forum is a key event for French and international aquaculture businesses.  In France are located a wide variety of fish farms, as well as many companies offering solutions for aquaculture. This event included speeches by several international experts in the aquaculture sector. Pôle de Mer distributed flyers and explained the main goals of the EBB project to the participants to increase the visibility of the project among different stakeholders in the fishing and aquaculture sector.

7th International Workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes

On the 2nd of September 2019, UAlg team (Drs. Elsa Cabrita, Catarina Oliveira, Elvira Fatsini and Ms. Catarina Anjos) attended the workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes in Rennes (France), organized by INRA. In this workshop Ms Catarina Anjos presented a poster on EBB implementation cryopreservation protocols in Portuguese oysters. The title of the poster was “The response of Crassostrea angulate (Portuguese oyster) larvae to cryoprotectants exposure and cryopreservation”. The objective of this biennal workshop was to bring together researchers and students from the scientific community working on the gamete biology of fish and aquatic species. The meeting took place in the prestigious school of agricultural engineers AGROCAMPUS OUEST. It was organized by INRA’s Fish Physiology and Genomics Department.

54th European Marine Biology Symposium

The 54th European Marine Biology Symposium was held in Dublin from 25-29 August 2019. The event gathered a large delegacy of scientists involved in marine biology and ecology research from Europe and beyond. The presentations focused on four main themes, i.e. the rapid changes of organisms, communities and ecosystems, the movement and redistribution of species, biological traits and the blue growth. Dr. Maria Vittoria Marra (NUIG-National University of Ireland Galway) presented the poster ‘EBB – The European Blue Biobank’ to illustrate mission, approach and outcomes of the EBB project and the role played by NUIG in it. The poster presentation gave Dr. Marra the chance to engage with the audience about the participation of Ireland in EBB as well as in EMBRC, which was also present at the symposium with a dedicated stand.

“Collections as an educational resource”. 7th European Phycological Congress

During the 7th European Phycological Congress (EPC) in Zagreb in August 2019 a group of the leading algal culture collections organized a satellite meeting to present and discuss topics relevant to the running of major international culture collections. During this meeting, Ian Probert (Sorbonne University) hosted a roundtable discussion topic entitled “Collections as an educational resource”. In addition to presenting the involvement of the Roscoff Culture Collection in taxonomy courses, the activities of EMBRC and the EBB project relating to educating Biological Resource Centre users about Access and Benefit Sharing issues were presented and discussed. EMBRC and EBB flyers were also distributed during the EPC (ca 500 participants).

EBB and the Nagoya Protocol

On the 10th July 2019 Fiz da Costa, Project manager of the EBB, presented the project “European Blue Biobank (EBB)” and Belén Sánchez, who is a Professor of International Public Law at University of Vigo, gave a presentation entitled “Cuestiones jurídicas relativas al acceso y utilización de recursos genéticos: Del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica al Protocolo de Nagoya y su implementación en España” at
the Instituto de Investigación Mariñas (IIM-CSIC), Vigo, Spain. Researchers from Misión Biológica de Galicia-CSIC of Pontevedra (Spain), IIM-CSIC of Vigo, CETMAR (Vigo,) and other institutions and general public discussed during nearly 3 hours about the implications of Nagoya protocols and its related regulations on the research projects implementation.

Abstract of the presentation:

Belén analyzes in her presentation, from a legal perspective, the issues related to the access and use of genetic resources explaining different instruments that create, in the end, the complex puzzle in which the conditions of access, use and fair participation are established and equitable in the benefits that derive from its use. The objective of this presentation is to present, from the perspective of a user of genetic resources, the steps to follow to comply with the requirements that derive from different international legal instruments, that is, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and fair and equitable share in the benefits that derive from their use -of which Spain is a part-; from an European perspective, such as the Regulation (EU) No 511/2014 of the EP and the Council of 19 April 2014 on measures of compliance of users of the Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and fair and equitable participation in Benefits arising from its use in the Union and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1866 of 13 October 2015 laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EU) No 511/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council with regard to the registration of collections, the monitoring of compliance by users and the application of best practices; as well as the Spanish implementation measures established in Royal Decree 124/2017 of February the 24th regarding access to genetic resources from wild taxa and control of use.

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